Keeping North OkanaganFirst Nation & Metis youth up-to-date on Programs, Activities and related news

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

FW: : Indigenous Education Summit: Call for Student Participation

From: Julie Peters []

Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 12:52 PM
To: Gary McDermott
Subject: Indigenous Education Summit: Call for Student Participation


Good afternoon,
Thanks to a generous sponsorship from Mohawk College, there is funding available for students to attend the upcoming Indigenous Education Summit. The Summit will be held October 4-5, 2012 in Niagara-on-the-Lake.
Selected students will be provided a free registration to the Summit, accommodations, and up to $500 to cover travel costs. Indigenous students are invited to submit a Letter of Interest (additional details are provided below). Please circulate to students who may be interested in this opportunity.


**Call for Student Participation**

On October 4-5, 2012 a national Indigenous Education Summit is being held in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Organized by Western University's Aboriginal Policy Research Consortium and Academica Group, the Summit will bring together a broad range of stakeholders involved in First Nations, Métis and Inuit education, and the organizers would like to ensure that students are also able to attend, participate in the discussions, and share their experiences and ideas. Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Mohawk College, this will be a reality. Indigenous students interested in participating in the Summit are invited to submit a Letter of Interest with the following information:  

·         Why you would like to attend the Summit

·         The academic institution that you are attending and what you are studying

·         The First Nation, Métis or Inuit community you identify with

·         Contact information to inform you of whether you've been selected

The following costs will be covered for each student selected:  

·         Summit registration

·         Accommodations at the Summit

·         Up to $500 towards travel

Selected students will also be invited to sit on a student panel at the Summit to share their perspectives and experiences with attendees. 
All submissions should be sent to Julie Peters at You can also fax your submission to 519.433.8062 or mail it to the following address: 131 Wharncliffe Road South, Second Floor, London, Ontario, Canada, N6J 2K4.        
All submissions must be received by September 1, 2012 at 7:00pm EDT. A limited number of funded spots are available. For more information about the Summit, please visit

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

*URGENT* - CCAY Communications Package

 June 20, 2012


Aboriginal youth funding slashed by Federal Government

VICTORIA, BC – Aboriginal non-profit agencies across BC are reeling with the unexpected news of a $3 million funding freeze to a long-standing and highly successful youth services program called Cultural Connections for Aboriginal Youth. This sudden announcement by the Federal Government represents a significant proportion of each agency's annual operating budget. The severity of this cut means that some organizations may potentially have to close their doors.

Until now, the Cultural Connections for Aboriginal Youth (CCAY) program has been a $22 million, Canada-wide initiative that supports off-reserve Aboriginal youth aged 10-24 years to enhance their economic, social, cultural and personal prospects.

"The Federal Government tells us they have to cut this funding because it doesn't promote job creation," says an outraged Paul Lacerte, Executive Director of the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, "and yet that is exactly what CCAY does."

CCAY funding is used by Friendship Centres and other Aboriginal agencies to create opportunities for Aboriginal youth to explore and learn about Aboriginal languages and cultures, promote their engagement in the community, and build cultural awareness in the community at large.

"Programs like CCAY are building an Aboriginal workforce that is strong and sustainable," continues Lacerte. "We know that Aboriginal youth have better outcomes when they have access to culturally appropriate life and job skills development services."

One of the hallmarks of the CCAY program, according to BC Program Manager Naomi Graham, is that it builds self-confidence and self-esteem.

"Vancouver Island Aboriginal communities are experiencing an unprecedented and astonishing rate of youth suicide," says Graham about the community that recently declared a state of emergency. "Cowichan youth unemployment is at an all-time high of 85%. Now is not the time to cut essential support services for Aboriginal youth."

Aboriginal youth is the fastest-growing demographic in BC. The Aboriginal labour force is expected to grow twice as fast as the rest of Canada's labour force in the next decade, so they will be an important part of the province and country's future economic growth.

Last year, almost 3,500 Aboriginal youth took part in CCAY programming, and accessed over 300,000 points of service. These figures directly translate into lower costs for other government services and a brighter future for Aboriginal youth.


"Aboriginal people face disproportionate risks and barriers to living long healthy lives, including the lowest life expectancy and graduation rates, and some of the highest rates of suicide, addictions, unemployment, poverty, victimization and incarceration," says Annette Morgan, President of the BC Assn of Friendship Centres. "Programs like CCAY close these gaps, and help to address the structural barriers that have precluded Aboriginal people from fully participating in Canada's economy."

Formal notice of the funding cut came from the Federal Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development on June 12, 2012, and is retroactive to April 1, 2012. This means that any funds expended by CCAY funded organizations during the first quarter of this fiscal year will not be reimbursed, leaving Aboriginal agencies scrambling to find money to cover their expenses.

"This decision will have a major impact on the Friendship Centre movement across the country and on our young people who depend heavily on these support services," says Lacerte. "Our staff are now exploring options for alternative funding and we are calling on all our allies to support our efforts."

The BCAAFC is an umbrella organization for BC's 25 Aboriginal Friendship Centres that offer a wide range of culturally relevant services and supports to Aboriginal people residing in urban and rural communities. These include job training and skills development programs, mental health and addictions counseling, literacy and early childhood education programs, and cultural support services for youth, families and elders. 

For more information contact:


Naomi Graham,

Program Manager, CCAY



Paul Lacerte

Executive Director, BCAAFC


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

FW: our lives are in DANGER

------Spread the NEWS -----

Mining Threatens One of BC's Largest Sockeye Salmon Runs

Friday, June 15, 2012

(Adapted from a forthcoming publication by MiningWatch Canada on the threats to salmon posed by the push for new mines in BC)

The Thompson River flows into the Fraser River west of Kamloops, B.C. and provides important spawning grounds and migratory routes for a number of salmon stocks. The Adams River is a tributary of the South Thompson and is home to one of the most important sockeye runs in the Fraser River system. Roderick Haig-Brown Provincial Park on the lower Adams River has been recognized by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as one of the world's greatest natural areas. Chinook, coho, sockeye, and pink salmon also spawn in the Adams River. Of course the Secwepemc who have sustained themselves from the river and the land around it have recognised its importance for thousands of years.

The Thompson River watershed already hosts Canada's largest copper mine – Teck's open pit Highland Valley mine. The New Afton mine is in construction, the Harper Creek and Ajax mine projects are in the environmental assessment process, and the Ruddock Creek Project is in advanced exploration. If all these projects go ahead the Thompson could go from having one operating mine to five within its watershed. The Ruddock Creek project is of particular concern as it is in the headwaters of the Adams River, is surrounded by sensitive protected areas, and is an important area for the Secwepemc indigenous economy. Over the last three years members of the Secwepemc community of Neskonlith have invited MiningWatch to make several presentations and discuss the potential impacts of the projects in the area. From these visits it is clear that many Neskonlith people are staunchly opposed to the Ruddock Creek project.

As reported in our last newsletter, the Ajax Mine is of concern to Kamloops residents given that the project is perched on the city boundary and would directly affect an important natural and recreational area.

MiningWatch is collaborating with Sierra Club of BC and Ecovision Law to evaluate potential cumulative effects of these projects and the threat of "worst case scenarios", and to submit these findings into the individual environmental assessments for the Harper Creek and Ajax mines.

In a semi-arid region, use and changes to hydrology are a major concern for all these projects, as are the potential threats to water quality. MiningWatch is currently trying to get access to results from the federal Environmental Effects Monitoring program for metal mines to better understand these threats. The latest summary of data, from 2007, clearly indicated that despite general compliance with regulations, "on average" mine effluents are still affecting downstream fish and fish habitat.

Thursday, June 14, 2012



The host emcce for the 2011 Native American Music Awards, Ted Nolan, is currently celebrating a Stanley Cup Win through his 22 year old son, Jordon Nolan, of the Los Angeles Kings. Jordon and the Kings achieved their first Stanley cup win in the NHL finals against the New Jersey Devils this past Monday, June 11th.
Jordan Nolan was selected by the Los Angeles Kings in the seventh round (186th overall) in the 2009 NHL Entry Draft.  In  October 2010, Nolan was signed by the Los Angeles Kings to a three-year, entry-level contract.  He spent the next two seasons with the Manchester Monarchs of the American Hockey League (AHL), where he totaled 14 goals and 39 points in 115 games. This February, Nolan was recalled to join the Los Angeles Kings, and was assigned uniform number 71.  Last month, Nolan scored his first career NHL playoff goal, helping the Los Angeles Kings sweep the St. Louis Blues in the Western Conference Semifinals of the 2012 Stanley Cup playoffs.

Jordan's father, Theodore "Ted" John Nolan, was born in the Garden River Ojibwa First Nation Reserve outside of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Ted is currently the Head Coach of Latvia men's national ice hockey team and is leading in the 2012 IIHF World Championship.  He is well known for being the former Head Coach of the Buffalo Sabres and New York Islanders. A retired Canadian professional hockey left winger, Ted played three seasons in the National Hockey League for the Detroit Red Wings and Pittsburgh Penguins.  He's won 147 games in four seasons as a coach in the NHL. At the 2011 Native American Music Awards, Ted was presented with a Jim Thorpe Sports Award.

Watching the Los Angeles Kings Standley Cup Playoff win at the Staples Center Monday night, Ted  was a proud hockey dad, hugging his son Jordan on the ice. He couldn't believe he just witnessed his youngest son win the Stanley Cup.  He celebrated like every other ecstatic father of a Kings player after Los Angeles' Cup-clinching 6-1 win against the New Jersey Devils. reported that Ted Nolan couldn't imagine feeling any better than he did in that moment.  "I've been fortunate to do some things in life, but nothing compares to watching your son do it," he said. "That was a great feeling, to watch your son go through something like this -- being a parent versus being a coach and walking through it with him. It was a great experience and I'll never forget it."

"He was probably more nervous than I was," Jordan Nolan told "Having him here is really special. He's seen all the hard work I've done these past few years, the changes I had to make. He's a big part of that, so it's definitely great....It's just remarkable. It has definitely all paid off," Jordan said. "It definitely feels unbelievable. I can't even talk right now. It's unbelievable."

"When he picked up the Cup, I can't even describe it," Ted Nolan said. "It's just a very, very special feeling."

The Native American Music Awards & Association sends their best wishes and congratulations to the Nolan family.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012


We've just been informed that the Government of Canada, through the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development (AAND) has withdrawn their support for the Cultural Connections for Aboriginal Youth (CCAY) program effective April 1st, 2012. This is very bad news for participants of the Sookinchoot Youth Centre Program. We are working on gathering more information at finding solutions

Monday, June 4, 2012

FW: WFN's NIFA 2 Day Soccer Camp Poster and Registration Forms


2 Day 

Soccer Camp 

June 9th and 10th 

Saturday  10:00am ‐4:00 pm 

Sunday 9:30 am ‐3:00pm 

Camp to be held on the Sensisyusten Soccer Field @ 1900 Quail Lane 

Youth ages 13‐19 can participate at no cost 

Please  provide your own lunch, transportation and accommodations


Hi Everyone,


This would be a great opportunity for youth who are interested in soccer. The deadline for this camp is this Wednesday June 6th and will take place at WFN's Sensisyusten.

If you do have any questions or want to register, please send and contact Justin Lott at either or (250) 768-0227 ext. 148.

They need at least 10-12 youth to register before they are able to continue with the camp so please forward this to anyone you know that might be interested.


Thank you,


Dominique Alexis

Events Planner

Okanagan Nation Alliance

#106, 3500 Carrington Rd

Westbank, BC

P: (250) 707-0095 x. 106




Monday, May 14, 2012

FW: EXTENSION for $2,500 Newalta Aboriginal Environmental Scholarship



From: Rebecca Dickson []
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 4:15 PM
To: Reception
Subject: EXTENSION for $2,500 Newalta Aboriginal Environmental Scholarship


Hi Angelene,


Thanks again for distributing information to your community on behalf of ECO Canada regarding the Newalta Aboriginal Environmental Scholarship. Due to a low number of applications and a quickly approaching deadline, we would like students to know that we have implemented a deadline extension for this scholarship.


Students will be allowed to submit all additional documents by Tuesday, May 22nd:

·         500-word essay,

·         proof of Aboriginal ancestry,

·         proof of enrolment, and/or

·         reference letter


Interested students must complete the online portion of their application by May 14th – this is only a 10-minute process, which requires them to register for an ECO member account before being redirected to their scholarship application.




I would greatly appreciate it if you could distribute these instructions along with this deadline update. Potential applicants can contact me at or 403-233-0748 for assistance with their application or for more information. 


Best regards,
Rebecca Dickson, EPt
Career Awareness Coordinator

ECO Canada
Suite 200, 308 – 11 Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 0Y2
Ph: (403) 476-1967
Fax: (403) 269-9544


Explore, find, build your environmental career at



Monday, April 30, 2012

Vote for Sookinchoot!

Please support our youth centre's submission in the First Nations Health Council Injury Prevention video contest. Top prize is $5000 that could go a long way to providing programs and services for the first nation youth in the North Okanagan

Arts and Culture organizations provide jobs too. Support Arts and Culture funding in Canada! 

Be sure to share this video with lots of your friends and get them to "like" it on YouTube so that we can compete for the audience choice award.

Here's the link:

Other submissions are posted this to the FNHC website:

Monday, April 23, 2012

ROOTS Idol 2012

Here are the Category Rules for this year's Roots Idol:

There is no fee to compete HOWEVER it is for the Aboriginal children/youth that are in the care of the Ministry.

Includes those who are doing pow wow dancing, drumming or anything along that line.  

Includes those that sing or dance to the modern songs and dance. 

Being we have two streams we will 1st, 2nd, and 3rdplace winners for both the traditional and contemporary. 1st place will be an  I-pod touch, 2nd price will be 75.00 cash and 3rd prize 50.00 cash.

R'Native Voice Rally!

Hello everyone, we are fast approaching the

RNV Gathering May 4th-6th, 2012 in Upper Nicola, can everyone please send me estimates of how many youth from each program will be attending. These estimates are important as Amanda and Kelly are confirming numbers for catering and T-shirt orders.


Sookinchoot 250-549-2921 or email to confirm your attendance

Monday, April 16, 2012

Employ Program

Please find attached an informational poster for Employ Program.   As outlined on the poster, the program consists of 5 weeks of group based employability skills training through the use of critical thinking, one week of supported job search, followed by a 192 paid practicum with a local employer.  In this competitive job market, this program is an excellent way for youth who have experienced barriers to employment develop employability skills and gain a reference.  We are interviewing right now for the next intake which will begin on May 28th.  If you are aware of a youth aged 16 – 30 who could benefit from this program, contact the WorkBC Employment Services for Youth at Community Futures today to set up an appointment.  Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions.



Janet Hackman
Employ Program

Native Scholarship

Description: Description: Article2Apply Today: Newalta Aboriginal Environmental Scholarship
Description: Description:

In partnership with Newalta, ECO Canada will be awarding three scholarships worth $2,500 each to Aboriginal students entering their first year of post-secondary studies.

Scholarships will be awarded to individuals who have shown environmental leadership in their community and have plans to pursue their interest in the environment through post-secondary education. 

An environmental program can include, but is not limited to, engineering, sciences, social sciences, and mathematics. Browse our Program Directory for more information on environment-related programs.

To qualify for the scholarship program students must:

  • Be a Canadian resident Aboriginal individual who is First Nation status or non-status, Métis, or Inuit
  • Be 30 years of age or younger, with a high school diploma
  • Have been accepted into an environment-related program at a Canadian post-secondary institution for the fall of 2012
  • Submit a 500 word essay about their environmental values, leadership, and vision
  • Demonstrate their accomplishments and ambitions in the areas of environmental protection, resource management, or environmental sustainability
  • Provide a reference letter explaining their involvement in community-related environmental projects

Apply online at before May 14, 2012, or contact Rebecca Dickson at for more details.

OKIB Career Fair WED APRIL 18

Okanagan Indian Band Education Department

4th Annual Jobs & Further Education Fair

Wednesday April 18, 2012

12:00 PM – 7:00 pm

Head of the Lake Hall


Come & meet with companies that are actively looking to recruit new employees. 

Remember to bring lots of copies of your resume – some job interviews will be conducted at the hall on the day.

Explore options for post-secondary education and find out just what courses are available.

Food and drinks will be provided & enter to win some great door prizes.



Okanagan Nation Alliance Fisheries

Okanagan Band Territorial Stewardship Division

Flint Energy Services LTD, Calgary Head Office

SRI Homes

Tolko Industries, Armstrong Division

Community Futures,

Peace Hills Trust

Thompson Rivers University


Okanagan College

Nicola Valley Institute of Technology

Centre for Arts & Technology


For more information, please contact Glenda Louis at 250.542.4328 Ext 214   or